"That is so uncool and not fast" -Noah N.
"Mealz was jit trippin' so he wasn't feeling bussin’ bussin’ fr fr on god no cap so he was finna cry" -Noah N.
"Noah Nelscan LOVES World War II" -Noah N.
"Things are gonna get W I C K E D" -Noah N.
"Why are flies called flies but ants aren't called walks?" -Noah N.
"Okay Chris, don't attack me in the CVS" -Noah N.
"If you give a man a fish, he will be fed for the day, if you beat him to death, he will not be hungry ever again" -Chris L.
"eatin' charcoal to become a furnace" -Chris L.
"I could probably beat Goku pretty easily" -Chris L.
"GO GO GADGET GLOCK 19!" -Chris L.
"When you get home, your house will not be there. Instead, in its place, there will be an atom bomb." -Chris L.
"Goblins will watch you teleport and say 'he cannot afford a steed'" -Chris L.
"For eel on cod no carp" -Chris L.
"Data? Why don't you data girl?" -Chris L.
"No one makes Chris pay his taxes." "Yeah, if you make me pay my taxes, I'll make you pay your... I'll kill you." -Interaction between Andrew A. and Chris L.
"Stop saying nutty words!" -Alec D.
"Newsies the Musical is about See's Candies... but they're NEW!" -Alec D.
"If you use 'tu' instead of 'usted' while talking to the doctor, he will purposely fail your surgery" -Alec D.
"Abby dying her hair brown would give her artificial intelligence" -Alec D.
"You are more ancient than Madonna’s boobs" -Ezra E.
"This video was sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends" -Candi Milo
"Guys Sans Undertale is real, I think he is my dad" -Josh R.
"Myles, you forgot to walk the fish!" -Cayl K.
"I'm a total chocolate milker" -Lily K.
"Livers aren't an infinite money glitch" -Lily K.
"Chris, you look the mascot of Wetzel's Pretzels" -Lily K.
"Okay guys, what color should my people be?" -Anonymous
"How many Phoenixlings could you take in a fight?" -Myles O.M.
"Please don't bite my other parts" -Myles O.M.
"My name is Isaiah and I am a he/him" -Isaiah S.
"Stop milking me!" -Isaiah S.
"This is the most normal school of all time" -Abby M.
"Chris was eating his math homework at carpool" -Abby M.
"He's like a baby with a six-pack" -Abby M.
"Oh yeah, his legs are in here somewhere" -Abby M.
"My homework ate my dog" -Anonymous
"Bald people don’t exist" -Hazel O.
"To be defeated - to take off one's feet" -Amber K.
"Alec Dhar-menian" -Tal G.
"Better Call Tal" -Tal G.
"Sus Amigos" -Elizabeth H.
"Gustavo said I have schizophrenia" -Miles E.
"I almost capped that bottle flip, no cap" -Cole W.
"I want to play a bang bang bong" -Cole W.
"Any people who have Obama Care are now called Obama Care Bears" -Cole W.
"Maybe the real gaslighters were the friends we made along the way" -Kyra C.
"I had a teacher named Mrs. Prime. My mom called her Optimus" -Kyra C.
"Staff infections taste good" -Vivian S.
"Child! What did I say about the kneecaps?" -Vivian S.
"Please don't lick my Jillow" -Lark D.
"She macking on my michael wave until I cheese" -Lark D.
"Everything is snortable" -Andrew C.
"How do you feel about the ending?" "Yes" -Interaction between JT C. and Skye H.
"Manwashed" -Skye H.
"and... saving THAT for blackmailing purposes" -Sarah Q.
"I had to fill in for they/them" -Sarah Q.
"Back when I was a boy, there were dinosaurs" -Riley B.
"This school is people who are neurospicy" -Gwen K.
"I will devote the rest of my life to Jesus Christ and the Christianity religion if I get these Melanie Martinez tickets" -Gwen K. (they got them) "I now have to devote the rest of my life to God and the Christianity religion"
"ah phooey" -Ava F.
"The more blood the better!" -Ava F.
"I drop kicked an alien tuna thingy in my dream" -Ava F.
"Ah, yes. Another year of the chaos and hell known as Bridges Academy." -Ava F.
"I'm gonna beat you to the ends of the earth, Noah" -Anonymous
"It's only hands, no feet allowed" -Anonymous
"The black death is the mythic cold" -Nate C.
"Rubber? I was rubber once. They locked me in a room. A rats room. A rats room filled with crazy, and crazy makes me rubber. -Rence A.
"Being cringe is cringe" -Rence A.
"My bees got him" -Rence A.
"Nelken was diagnosed with Tier 100 stupidity" -Rence A.
"Let's name him Alawk Tuah" -Rence A.
"Watch yo jacket" -Gabby F.
"Why is DJ Khaled here?" -Gabby F.
"I don't NEED birth control! I SHOOT BLANKS!" -Beatrice B.
"Alec is the 9th grade Isaiah" -Anonymous
"Tal, don't write 'A. S. S.' on your paper" -Anonymous
"Are you mindful momenting?" -Caroline S.
"What is 'Mah'?" -Anonymous
"Who would win in a fight, Goku or Mama Coco?" -Matthew B.
"Watthew s**t in my shaving cream!" -Matthew B.
"Have you seen my toenails?" -Oliver MP.
"The W in blue stands for Weezer" -Oliver MP.
"Let me simp in peace!" -Mystery V.
"I'm convinced Chris is William Afton. He wears purple, and he works at an abandoned pizza place" -Anonymous
"The weight lifting club consists of 11 clones of Chesler and maybe Palmer if he teleports back for an hour" -Anonymous
"S is for circle" -Nick B.
"May your day be colorful!" -Greyson C.
"I'm gonna die of ketchup overdose" -Anonymous
"I would love to get beaten up by Bill Nye the Science Guy" -Vsauce
"Shegosawa~" -Untitled Document
"Add and multiply up" -Adrian M.
"Ec-to-plas-mic-rec-tum" -Adrian M
"O'hare air! Mustard flavor!" -Anonymous
"I'm a sickly little bad and I need my soup" -Leo W.
"Grayson, can you please turn down the volume of the massacre?" -Anonymous
"Wasn't Reagan, like, a c**t?" -Alex M.
"It doesn't make sense to pay $787,500,000 to pave a driveway" -Anonymous
"Well, maybe it does mean- OH! HOLD UP! HOT WOMAN SPOTTED!" -Henry L.
"Are you thinking about thinking why you aren’t thinking about thinking when thinking about thinking?" -RJ H.
"I make the do, I think the talk" -Sebastian R.
"Not gonna lie, Mary Poppins is hot" -Josh E.
"This gum is so tender" -Josh E.
"What if I possessed a child?" -Chris S.
"Don’t do TikTok, kids" -Mealz M.
"I'm too tired to be traumatized." -Mealz M.
"Bridging Presentations are just TED Talks for school purposes" -Mealz M.
"Stop battling so epically!" -Mealz M.
"25 dollars and I'll make out with the skull" -Oliver B.
"There is more to life than life" -Oliver B.
"B.C. stands for 'Before Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'" -Eli R.
"Scott will be notified" -???
"Swagalicious" -Drew G.
"I'm turning evil!" "Well, do it quieter!" -Interaction between Drew G. and Joseph M.
"I've only had 4 coffees this morning" -Albert C.
"I'm drunk...on life!" -D K.
"I'm not gay but $20 is $20" -Keiren G.
"Ow! I stabbed myself" -Joseph M.
"The top of the head is nature's snooze button" -Joseph M.
"Little babies make me paranoid" -Anonymous
"Tis' but a gaping head wound!" -Issy S.
"It's not racist if it's with the homies!" -Rafi T.